本篇主要講解 [[openocd]] 配置文件中的 cti address 和 debug address 怎麼解析以及如何使用
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later reset_config trst_and_srst separate if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } { set _CHIPNAME $CHIPNAME } else { set _CHIPNAME rk3568 } # # Main DAP # if { [info exists DAP_TAPID] } { set _DAP_TAPID $DAP_TAPID } else { set _DAP_TAPID 0x2ba01477 } adapter driver jlink adapter speed 12000 transport select swd # declare the one SWD tap to access the DAP swd newdap $_CHIPNAME cpu -expected-id $_DAP_TAPID -ignore-version # create the DAP dap create $_CHIPNAME.dap -chain-position $_CHIPNAME.cpu target create $_CHIPNAME.ahb mem_ap -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -ap-num 0 set _TARGETNAME $_CHIPNAME.lcore # declare the 6 main application cores set _smp_command "" set $_TARGETNAME.base(0) 0x81004000 set $_TARGETNAME.base(1) 0x81005000 set $_TARGETNAME.base(2) 0x81006000 set $_TARGETNAME.base(3) 0x81007000 set $_TARGETNAME.cti(0) 0x81014000 set $_TARGETNAME.cti(1) 0x81015000 set $_TARGETNAME.cti(2) 0x81016000 set $_TARGETNAME.cti(3) 0x81017000 set _cores 4 for { set _core 0 } { $_core < $_cores } { incr _core 1 } { set _TARGETNAME $_CHIPNAME.lcore cti create cti$_core -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -baseaddr [set $_TARGETNAME.cti($_core)] -ap-num 0 target create \${_TARGETNAME}$_core aarch64 -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -coreid $_core -cti cti\$_core -dbgbase [set $_TARGETNAME.base($_core)] if { $_core != 0 } { ${_TARGETNAME}$_core configure -defer-examine } else { # uncomment to use hardware threads pseudo rtos # ${_TARGETNAME}$_core configure -rtos hwthread" ${_TARGETNAME}$_core configure -work-area-size 0x30000 -work-area-phys 0xff8c0000 \ -work-area-backup 0 } set _smp_command "$_smp_command ${_TARGETNAME}$_core" } # Add the second flash bank. #set QUADSPI 1 #set _FLASHNAME $_CHIPNAME.flash1 #flash bank $_FLASHNAME stmqspi 0 0x4000000 2 2 ${_TARGETNAME}0 #flash bank $_FLASHNAME fespi 0 0 0 0 ${_TARGETNAME}0 0xfe610000 target smp $_smp_command targets rk3568.lcore0
debug address 首先使用set $_TARGETNAME.base(0) 0x81004000
初始化變量,之後使用target create ${_TARGETNAME}$_core aarch64 -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -coreid $_core -cti cti$_core -dbgbase [set $_TARGETNAME.base($_core)]
cit address 首先使用set $_TARGETNAME.cti(0) 0x81014000
初始化變量,之後使用cti create cti$_core -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -baseaddr [set $_TARGETNAME.cti($_core)] -ap-num 0
創建一個 cti,最後使用target create ${_TARGETNAME}$_core aarch64 -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -coreid $_core -cti cti$_core -dbgbase [set $_TARGETNAME.base($_core)]
使用 cti,與 debug 同時傳入使用。
cti create#
首先分析cti create
命令的解析過程,在 openocd 源碼中
static const struct command_registration cti_subcommand_handlers[] = { { .name = "create", .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .jim_handler = jim_cti_create, .usage = "name '-chain-position' name [options ...]", .help = "Creates a new CTI object", }, { .name = "names", .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .handler = cti_handle_names, .usage = "", .help = "Lists all registered CTI objects by name", }, COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE }; static const struct command_registration cti_command_handlers[] = { { .name = "cti", .mode = COMMAND_CONFIG, .help = "CTI commands", .chain = cti_subcommand_handlers, .usage = "", }, COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE }; int cti_register_commands(struct command_context *cmd_ctx) { return register_commands(cmd_ctx, NULL, cti_command_handlers); }
結構體定義了配置文件使用的 jim 命令的實際函數調用,由上可知調用函數為jim_cti_create
static int jim_cti_create(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
struct jim_getopt_info goi;
jim_getopt_setup(&goi, interp, argc - 1, argv + 1);
if (goi.argc < 2) {
Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, goi.argc, goi.argv,
"<name> [<cti_options> ...]");
return JIM_ERR;
return cti_create(&goi);
static int cti_create(struct jim_getopt_info *goi)
static struct arm_cti *cti;
/* Create it */
cti = calloc(1, sizeof(*cti));
if (!cti)
return JIM_ERR;
/* Init cti */
/* add to list */
list_add_tail(&cti->lh, &all_cti);
return JIM_OK;
總之,執行上述代碼後,申請內存並初始化完成了struct arm_cti *cti
指針,並將其添加到雙向鏈表中list_add_tail(&cti->lh, &all_cti);
target create#
首先分析cti create
命令的解析過程,在 openocd 源碼中
static const struct command_registration target_command_handlers[] = { ...... { .name = "target", .mode = COMMAND_CONFIG, .help = "configure target", .chain = target_subcommand_handlers, .usage = "", }, COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE }; static const struct command_registration target_subcommand_handlers[] = { ...... { .name = "create", .mode = COMMAND_CONFIG, .jim_handler = jim_target_create, .usage = "name type '-chain-position' name [options ...]", .help = "Creates and selects a new target", }, ...... COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE };
static int jim_target_create(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
struct jim_getopt_info goi;
jim_getopt_setup(&goi, interp, argc - 1, argv + 1);
if (goi.argc < 3) {
return JIM_ERR;
return target_create(&goi);
static int target_create(struct jim_getopt_info *goi)
Jim_Obj *new_cmd;
Jim_Cmd *cmd;
const char *cp;
int e;
int x;
struct target *target;
struct command_context *cmd_ctx;......
/* Create it */
target = calloc(1, sizeof(struct target));
if (!target) {
LOG_ERROR("Out of memory");
return JIM_ERR;
/* Do the rest as "configure" options */
goi->isconfigure = 1;
e = target_configure(goi, target);......
/* append to end of list */
append_to_list_all_targets(target);cmd_ctx->current_target = target;
return JIM_OK;
}static int target_configure(struct jim_getopt_info *goi, struct target *target) { struct jim_nvp *n; Jim_Obj *o; jim_wide w; int e; /* parse config or cget options ... */ while (goi->argc > 0) { if (target->type->target_jim_configure) { /* target defines a configure function */ /* target gets first dibs on parameters */ e = (*(target->type->target_jim_configure))(target, goi); if (e == JIM_OK) { /* more? */ continue; } if (e == JIM_ERR) { /* An error */ return e; } /* otherwise we 'continue' below */ } ...... switch (n->value) { case TCFG_TYPE: ...... case TCFG_EVENT: ...... case TCFG_WORK_AREA_VIRT: ...... case TCFG_WORK_AREA_PHYS: ...... case TCFG_WORK_AREA_SIZE: ...... case TCFG_WORK_AREA_BACKUP: ...... case TCFG_ENDIAN: ...... case TCFG_COREID: ...... case TCFG_CHAIN_POSITION: ...... case TCFG_DBGBASE: if (goi->isconfigure) { e = jim_getopt_wide(goi, &w); if (e != JIM_OK) return e; target->dbgbase = (uint32_t)w; target->dbgbase_set = true; } else { if (goi->argc != 0) goto no_params; } Jim_SetResult(goi->interp, Jim_NewIntObj(goi->interp, target->dbgbase)); /* loop for more */ break; case TCFG_RTOS: ...... case TCFG_DEFER_EXAMINE: ...... case TCFG_GDB_PORT: ...... case TCFG_GDB_MAX_CONNECTIONS: ...... } } /* while (goi->argc) */ /* done - we return */ return JIM_OK; }
有上述代碼可得,debug address 最終保存到了target->dbgbase
中,而 target 最終由append_to_list_all_targets(target);
但是,上述代碼中沒有 cti address 的解析部分,查看選項部分也的確沒有。
static struct jim_nvp nvp_config_opts[] = {
{ .name = "-type", .value = TCFG_TYPE },
{ .name = "-event", .value = TCFG_EVENT },
{ .name = "-work-area-virt", .value = TCFG_WORK_AREA_VIRT },
{ .name = "-work-area-phys", .value = TCFG_WORK_AREA_PHYS },
{ .name = "-work-area-size", .value = TCFG_WORK_AREA_SIZE },
{ .name = "-work-area-backup", .value = TCFG_WORK_AREA_BACKUP },
{ .name = "-endian", .value = TCFG_ENDIAN },
{ .name = "-coreid", .value = TCFG_COREID },
{ .name = "-chain-position", .value = TCFG_CHAIN_POSITION },
{ .name = "-dbgbase", .value = TCFG_DBGBASE },
{ .name = "-rtos", .value = TCFG_RTOS },
{ .name = "-defer-examine", .value = TCFG_DEFER_EXAMINE },
{ .name = "-gdb-port", .value = TCFG_GDB_PORT },
{ .name = "-gdb-max-connections", .value = TCFG_GDB_MAX_CONNECTIONS },
{ .name = NULL, .value = -1 }
根據上圖配置全局搜索 "-cti", 找到如下代碼:
static const struct jim_nvp nvp_config_opts[] = { { .name = "-cti", .value = CFG_CTI }, { .name = NULL, .value = -1 } }; static int aarch64_jim_configure(struct target *target, struct jim_getopt_info *goi) { struct aarch64_private_config *pc; struct jim_nvp *n; int e; pc = (struct aarch64_private_config *)target->private_config; ...... /* * Call adiv5_jim_configure() to parse the common DAP options * It will return JIM_CONTINUE if it didn't find any known * options, JIM_OK if it correctly parsed the topmost option * and JIM_ERR if an error occurred during parameter evaluation. * For JIM_CONTINUE, we check our own params. */ e = adiv5_jim_configure_ext(target, goi, &pc->adiv5_config, ADI_CONFIGURE_DAP_COMPULSORY); if (e != JIM_CONTINUE) return e; /* parse config or cget options ... */ if (goi->argc > 0) { ...... switch (n->value) { case CFG_CTI: { if (goi->isconfigure) { Jim_Obj *o_cti; struct arm_cti *cti; e = jim_getopt_obj(goi, &o_cti); if (e != JIM_OK) return e; cti = cti_instance_by_jim_obj(goi->interp, o_cti); if (!cti) { Jim_SetResultString(goi->interp, "CTI name invalid!", -1); return JIM_ERR; } pc->cti = cti; } else { if (goi->argc != 0) { Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "NO PARAMS"); return JIM_ERR; } if (!pc || !pc->cti) { Jim_SetResultString(goi->interp, "CTI not configured", -1); return JIM_ERR; } Jim_SetResultString(goi->interp, arm_cti_name(pc->cti), -1); } break; } default: return JIM_CONTINUE; } } return JIM_OK; }
由此可知,cti 在 target 這邊保存的位置為target->private_config->cti
struct target_type armv8r_target = {
.target_jim_configure = aarch64_jim_configure,
static int target_configure(struct jim_getopt_info *goi, struct target *target)
> {
struct jim_nvp *n;
Jim_Obj *o;
jim_wide w;
int e;
/* parse config or cget options ... */
while (goi->argc > 0) {
/* jim_getopt_debug(goi); */
if (target->type->target_jim_configure) {
/* target defines a configure function */
/* target gets first dibs on parameters */
e = (*(target->type->target_jim_configure))(target, goi);
if (e == JIM_OK) {
/* more? */
if (e == JIM_ERR) {
/* An error */
return e;
/* otherwise we 'continue' below */
單向鏈表中,debug address 保存在all_targets->dbgbase
中,cti address 保存在all_targets->private_config->cti->spot.base
if(target->private_config != 0 && target->dbgbase != 0)
struct aarch64_private_config *pc = (struct aarch64_private_config *)target->private_config;
LOG_DEBUG("[debug] debug address : 0x%X\n",target->dbgbase);
LOG_DEBUG("[debug] cti address : 0x%X\n",pc->cti->spot.base);
/* append to end of list */
Debug: 43 1 target.c:5934 target_create(): [debug] debug address : 0x81004000
Debug: 44 1 target.c:5935 target_create(): [debug] cti address : 0x81014000
Debug: 74 1 target.c:5934 target_create(): [debug] debug address : 0x81005000
Debug: 75 1 target.c:5935 target_create(): [debug] cti address : 0x81015000
Debug: 102 2 target.c:5934 target_create(): [debug] debug address : 0x81006000
Debug: 103 2 target.c:5935 target_create(): [debug] cti address : 0x81016000
Debug: 130 2 target.c:5934 target_create(): [debug] debug address : 0x81007000
Debug: 131 2 target.c:5935 target_create(): [debug] cti address : 0x81017000
debug address 和 cti address 是什麼#
在 openocd 源碼中,配合 dbgbase 一起使用的有一系列宏,使用方式為調試基地址 + 偏移地址的方式來訪問操作一些寄存器:
/* register offsets from armv8.debug_base */
#define CPUV8_DBG_MAINID0 0xD00
#define CPUV8_DBG_EDESR 0x20
#define CPUV8_DBG_EDECR 0x24
#define CPUV8_DBG_EDWAR0 0x30
#define CPUV8_DBG_EDWAR1 0x34
#define CPUV8_DBG_DSCR 0x088
#define CPUV8_DBG_DRCR 0x090
#define CPUV8_DBG_ECCR 0x098
#define CPUV8_DBG_PRCR 0x310
#define CPUV8_DBG_PRSR 0x314
#define CPUV8_DBG_DTRRX 0x080
#define CPUV8_DBG_ITR 0x084
#define CPUV8_DBG_SCR 0x088
#define CPUV8_DBG_DTRTX 0x08c
#define CPUV8_DBG_BVR_BASE 0x400
#define CPUV8_DBG_BCR_BASE 0x408
#define CPUV8_DBG_WVR_BASE 0x800
#define CPUV8_DBG_WCR_BASE 0x808
#define CPUV8_DBG_VCR 0x01C
#define CPUV8_DBG_OSLAR 0x300
cti 相關的也類似:
/*define CTI(cross trigger interface)*/
#define CTI_CTR 0x0
#define CTI_INACK 0x10
#define CTI_APPSET 0x14
#define CTI_APPCLEAR 0x18
#define CTI_APPPULSE 0x1C
#define CTI_INEN0 0x20
#define CTI_INEN1 0x24
#define CTI_INEN2 0x28
#define CTI_INEN3 0x2C
#define CTI_INEN4 0x30
#define CTI_INEN5 0x34
#define CTI_INEN6 0x38
#define CTI_INEN7 0x3C
#define CTI_INEN8 0x40
#define CTI_INEN(n) (0x20 + 4 * n)
#define CTI_OUTEN0 0xA0
#define CTI_OUTEN1 0xA4
#define CTI_OUTEN2 0xA8
#define CTI_OUTEN3 0xAC
#define CTI_OUTEN4 0xB0
#define CTI_OUTEN5 0xB4
#define CTI_OUTEN6 0xB8
#define CTI_OUTEN7 0xBC
#define CTI_OUTEN8 0xC0
#define CTI_OUTEN(n) (0xA0 + 4 * n)
#define CTI_TRIN_STATUS 0x130
#define CTI_TROUT_STATUS 0x134
#define CTI_CHIN_STATUS 0x138
#define CTI_CHOU_STATUS 0x13C
#define CTI_GATE 0x140
#define CTI_UNLOCK 0xFB0
根據上圖中宏的名稱及數值,查閱Arm Architecture Reference Manual for A-profile architecture,其中 H8 和 H9 章節就是講這部分寄存器的相關說明:
而整個 H 章節都是在說明 外部調試 (External Debug) 這部分功能:
Part H: External Debug
H1: About External Debug
H2: Debug State
H3: Halting Debug Events
H4: The Debug Communication Channel and Instruction Transfer Register
H5: The Embedded Cross-Trigger Interface
H6: Debug Reset and Powerdown Support
H7: The PC Sample-based Profiing Extension
H8: About the External Debug Registers
H8.1 Relationship between external debug and System registers
H8.2 Endianness and supported access sizes
H8.3 Synchronization of changes to the external debug registers
H8.4 Memory-mapped accesses to the external debug interface
H8.5 External debug interface register access permissions
HB.6 External debug interface registers
HB.7 Cross-trigger interface registers
H9: External Debug Register Descriptions
H9.1 About the external debug registers
H9.2 External debug registers
H9.3 External trace registers
H9.4 External Trace Buffer registers
H9.5 Cross-Trigger Interface registers
其他參考資料:【芯片 DFX】萬子長文和你一起探索 Arm 調試架構 - 極術社區 - 連接開發者與智能計算生態 (aijishu.com)
首先編寫一個初步的配置文件如下,創建了 dap 即可:
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later reset_config trst_and_srst separate if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } { set _CHIPNAME $CHIPNAME } else { set _CHIPNAME rk3568 } # # Main DAP # if { [info exists DAP_TAPID] } { set _DAP_TAPID $DAP_TAPID } else { set _DAP_TAPID 0x2ba01477 } adapter driver jlink adapter speed 12000 transport select swd # declare the one SWD tap to access the DAP swd newdap $_CHIPNAME cpu -expected-id $_DAP_TAPID -ignore-version # create the DAP dap create $_CHIPNAME.dap -chain-position $_CHIPNAME.cpu target create $_CHIPNAME.ahb mem_ap -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -ap-num 0
然後開啟 openocd 並進入 telnet 命令界面輸入 rk3568.dap info 獲取 ROM_Table:
openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f target/rk3568.cfg
telnet localhost 4444
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Open On-Chip Debugger
> rk3568.dap info
AP # 0x0
AP ID register 0x24770002
Type is MEM-AP APB2 or APB3
MEM-AP BASE 0x80000003
Valid ROM table present
Component base address 0x80000000
Peripheral ID 0x0000080000
Designer is 0x000, <invalid>
Part is 0x000, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x1, ROM table
MEMTYPE system memory not present: dedicated debug bus
ROMTABLE[0x0] = 0x01000003
Component base address 0x81000000
Peripheral ID 0x04007bb4e3
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0x4e3, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x00, Miscellaneous, other
Dev Arch is 0x47700af7, ARM Ltd "CoreSight ROM architecture" rev.0
Type is ROM table
MEMTYPE system memory not present: dedicated debug bus
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x0] = 0x00001006
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x4] = 0x00002006
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x8] = 0x00004003
Component base address 0x81004000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x15, Debug Logic, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47708a15, ARM Ltd "Processor debug architecture (v8.2-A)" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xc] = 0x00005003
Component base address 0x81005000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x15, Debug Logic, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47708a15, ARM Ltd "Processor debug architecture (v8.2-A)" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x10] = 0x00006003
Component base address 0x81006000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x15, Debug Logic, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47708a15, ARM Ltd "Processor debug architecture (v8.2-A)" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x14] = 0x00007003
Component base address 0x81007000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x15, Debug Logic, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47708a15, ARM Ltd "Processor debug architecture (v8.2-A)" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x18] = 0x00008002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x1c] = 0x00009002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x20] = 0x0000a002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x24] = 0x0000b002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x28] = 0x0000c003
Component base address 0x8100c000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x16, Performance Monitor, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47702a16, ARM Ltd "Processor Performance Monitor (PMU) architecture" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x2c] = 0x0000d003
Component base address 0x8100d000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x16, Performance Monitor, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47702a16, ARM Ltd "Processor Performance Monitor (PMU) architecture" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x30] = 0x0000e003
Component base address 0x8100e000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x16, Performance Monitor, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47702a16, ARM Ltd "Processor Performance Monitor (PMU) architecture" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x34] = 0x0000f003
Component base address 0x8100f000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x16, Performance Monitor, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47702a16, ARM Ltd "Processor Performance Monitor (PMU) architecture" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x38] = 0x00014003
Component base address 0x81014000
Peripheral ID 0x04007bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x14, Debug Control, Trigger Matrix
Dev Arch is 0x47701a14, ARM Ltd "Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) architecture" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x3c] = 0x00015003
Component base address 0x81015000
Peripheral ID 0x04007bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x14, Debug Control, Trigger Matrix
Dev Arch is 0x47701a14, ARM Ltd "Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) architecture" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x40] = 0x00016003
Component base address 0x81016000
Peripheral ID 0x04007bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x14, Debug Control, Trigger Matrix
Dev Arch is 0x47701a14, ARM Ltd "Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) architecture" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x44] = 0x00017003
Component base address 0x81017000
Peripheral ID 0x04007bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x14, Debug Control, Trigger Matrix
Dev Arch is 0x47701a14, ARM Ltd "Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) architecture" rev.0
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x48] = 0x0001c003
Component base address 0x8101c000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x13, Trace Source, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47724a13, ARM Ltd "Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM) architecture" rev.2
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x4c] = 0x0001d003
Component base address 0x8101d000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x13, Trace Source, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47724a13, ARM Ltd "Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM) architecture" rev.2
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x50] = 0x0001e003
Component base address 0x8101e000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x13, Trace Source, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47724a13, ARM Ltd "Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM) architecture" rev.2
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x54] = 0x0001f003
Component base address 0x8101f000
Peripheral ID 0x04003bbd05
Designer is 0x23b, ARM Ltd
Part is 0xd05, Unrecognized
Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
Type is 0x13, Trace Source, Processor
Dev Arch is 0x47724a13, ARM Ltd "Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM) architecture" rev.2
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x58] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x5c] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x60] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x64] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x68] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x6c] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x70] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x74] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x78] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x7c] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x80] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x84] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x88] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x8c] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x90] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x94] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x98] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x9c] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xa0] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xa4] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xa8] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xac] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xb0] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xb4] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xb8] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xbc] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xc0] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xc4] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xc8] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xcc] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xd0] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xd4] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xd8] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xdc] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xe0] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xe4] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xe8] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xec] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xf0] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xf4] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xf8] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0xfc] = 0x00000002
Component not present
[L01] ROMTABLE[0x100] = 0x00000002
Component not present
ROMTABLE[0x4] = 0x00000000
End of ROM table